For senior Delia Cruz, 17, of Rochester Prep High School in Rochester, N.Y., basketball is her only stress outlet for the issues that she faces in her daily life. “It helps with my physical health. It’s my way of motivating myself,” says Cruz. “I don’t know what it is about basketball, I understand that exercise helps with mental health [but] I can’t just go on a run and feel better. It’s just when I play basketball. It’s more than just a game for me.” For the class of 2022 seniors at Rochester Prep, many of their constants were stripped away when they moved to fully remote classes in 2020. “Social life? It took a toll because I couldn’t see anyone. I lost a lot of friendships and relationships with people. Even part of my own family,” says Cruz. Nearing the end of 2021, Delia is finally back in school full time, she’s ready to play her final season of basketball and beginning to think about her life past high school.